Monday, January 21, 2013

Design Wall Monday-1/21/2013

  Not much to show this week but some winter themed snowball blocks that will be mailed for a swap. I made 4 of each so I did make 24 blocks! I was working on blocks for a different swap and am getting so totally frustrated that I have decided that's it--no more! The first few I made came out fine, but since then really having problems. Have enough going on right now I don't need the added stress. Quilting, sewing should be fun not stressful at least for me anyway. Maybe next Monday I'll have something more to show.Back to Judy at Patchworktimes


  1. Bless your heart. You are so right, stress-free, is what we all need! I'm sending warm thoughts your way!!!

  2. I find swaps and exchanges very stressful! Make something for yourself for the pure fun of it. That always makes me feel better and I don't swap anymore. It got so silly and over the top I felt bad and when you feel bad stop doing it!

  3. I stopped doing swaps last year (still haven't gotten mine from 2 swaps) for the same reason. I enjoyed them when I was learning to quilt but now I have my time filled up with my own projects and swaps just get in the way. That said, someday I may jump in again but not any time soon. ;-)


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