Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What's Cooking-Wilted Spinach with New Potatoes

I decided for this weeks What's Cooking to make my Mother's recipe for Wilted Spinach over New Potatoes.  It is also her dressing recipe for her German Potato Salad

Dressing: 4 strips of bacon                   1/2 C. cider vinegar
                 1 cup sugar                           1/2 C. water
                 1/2 tsp. salt                           1egg
                 2 tsps. cornstarch                  dash of pepper
   Cut bacon strips into small pieces and fry until crisp.  Combine sugar,salt,pepper, cornstarch and egg, beating in the egg, then vinegar and water-mix well.  Pour this mixture into the pan with the bacon fat and bacon.  Cook slowly until thick.   Pour over your fresh spinach and stir.
Put your boiled new potaotes in a bowl, pour the wilted spinach on top.  I then top mine with slices of hard boiled egg.

For dinner we had roasted chicken, carrot sticks, and new potatoes with wilted spinach.

I do need to improve my picture taking when it comes to food.  Didn't think to turn the chicken leg over before taking the picture!
Back to Judy at Patchworktimes 


  1. That sounds so amazingly good! I have to try this recipe - this week! I am in Austria and there seems to be tons of variety of potatoes - I am not sure what new potatoes are, but there are some small yellow ones that will probably work just fine! Thanks for sharing! Cheers! Evelyn

    1. Any potatoes will be good! this was long before there were all the varieties!

  2. Oh, that looks so good! Spinach and new potatoes are on my grocery list for tomorrow. Thanks for participating.

    1. Mom would also use fresh lettuce from the garden and in the spring of the year, she was known to make it with dandelion greens.


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