Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January's getting it done challenge

Wishing everyone a very Happy 2013!  Wonder how long it will take me to start writing a 3!

Things I hope to finish  this month for Judy's challenge
1. Bind a batik quilt that has been sitting here for saveral months. Done
2. Finish the fire escape quilt in blue batiks (Atkinson designs)
3. Finish up my winter snow ball blocks for a swap on QWLDone
4. Finish up my batik lifesaver blocks for another on line groupDropped

Things I need and hope to work on
1. You guessed it-Easy Street!
2. Cut fabric for a County Line Quilt pattern using soccer as the theme.

Since I am not sure yet how this month is going to shape up, that is all I am adding to the list.

Go back to Judy L. patchwork times to see what others are doing.

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