Friday, January 11, 2013

Days don't always go as planned!

Today was supposed to be a fairly simple day, I had even hoped to get to sew some during several internet group virtual sew ins. Our one girl, Tilly was going to the vet for a routine teeth cleaning. Would have most of the day free. The vet called, he wasn't happy with her blood work, did not feel comfortable giving her anethesia today.  Went back to pick her up and she is now on medication for 30 days to see if there really is a problem, or if this was a fluke. we get home and the wood chips/mulch we thought was coming late this afternoon - you guessed it! With all the errands we had to do and then start moving the mulch to the much beds, no way could I get to the machine 
We did lower the pile some in a few hours, but then had to quit for dinner.As much as we need the rain we are hoping they are wrong in their forecast for late tonight and in the morning. Or at least it's a gentle rain and no heavy down pours.  We still have a lot to put down. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to find the sewing machine and join my on-line friends. Things don't always go as planned!

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