Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What's Cooking-Bok Choy with Baked Tofu

I got this recipe from Betty Crockers Chinese Low Fat Cooking.
Serves 4 but the 2 of us cleaned it up,

1Pkg.(14oz)firm lite tofu
8 large stalks bok choy
2 TBLSPS. soy sauce ( I used low sodium)
1 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp. vegetable oil
3 shallots, thinly sliced
1/4 tsp salt
2 TBLSPS oyster sauce

Wrap tofu in a kitchen towel; cover with plastic wrap.  Place a heavy weight on top; let stand 30 minutes to press out excess moisture.  Cut tofu in 1x1x1/4 pieces. I used the medium hard tofu which is why it is not in the picture!

Remove leaves from bok choy stems. Cut leaves into 2 inch pieces; cut stems into1/4 inch diagonal slices.  Mix sauce sauce, gugar and garlic powder.

Heat oven to 425. Line cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Place tofu on foil, brush with soy sauce mixture. Bake 5 minutes. Spray withcooking spray; bake about 2 minutes longer or until brown. Turn tofu over; bake another 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, spray a non stick wok or 12-inch skillet with non stick cooking spray; heat over medium high heat or until cooking spray starts to bubble.  Add oil. Add bok choy and shallots; stir fry 1 minute.Add salt, tofu and oyster sauce; cover and cook for 1 minute.
Since we had plenty of combination fried rice left over from the local Chinese restaurant I served that with the bok choy dish.

By getting the moisture out of the tofu and then baking it it does not have the texture that so many people dislike. And it picks up the taste of the foods around it.
Let's see what others made this past week!back to Patchworktimes

Monday, January 28, 2013

Design Wall Mnday 1/28/2013

It's that time again and I do have something fun on the wall! I started this last Fall and as sometimes happens, life got in the way. It is a gift for a friend and it is also on my January get it done list. I may even have the top finished by the end of the month.
The one I am making this for- her favorite color is blue and I love working with batiks. It is the twin size Fire Escape pattern from Atkinson Designs. Now back to Judy to see what others have on theirs!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Stash Report- week 4-2013

Did not get to sew much this week.  Way to much going on to find time to use the sewing machine.  I did however rid the stash of a yard of fabric!  Had a friend who needed 4 FQS of black / white combinations.  So while I did not use it-it is officially out the door and in the mail!!!!! On a good note, although it was tempting and I did look at a few, nothing more came through the door! To see how others are doing back to Judy

Used this Week:  1 yards
Used year to Date: 9.33

Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 0 yards
Net Used for 2013: 9.33

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What's cooking- cream corn

I decided to try a Chinese recipe from my Fresh Chinese cook book that used cream corn.  We often ate creamed corn soup while living in Taiwan.  This recipe was Chicken and Creamed Corn Soup.  The one we ate over there mostly also had crab.
This is a very simple recipe
3 1/4 pints chicken stock ( I used smoked chicken stock I had in the freezer-thanks Judy)
1 can cream corn
1 can corn kernels, drained
1 cup finely shredded cooked chicken
1/2 tsp. white pepper
2 beaten eggs

Corn starch paste: 2 tsps. cornstarch mixed with 2 tblps. chicken stock

1. Bring stock to a boil in a large saucepan, add cream corn and drained corn kernels,  simmer for about 5 minutes.
2. Add the cooked chicken, bring to a boil. Season with white pepper and slowly stir in cornstarch paste.
3. Turn off heat. Stirring continuously with chopsticks, drizzle in beaten eggs.  Continous stirring with the chopsticks helps form the eggt into fine threads.
Serve immediately.
Recipe says serves 4
I served the soup with pineapple sambal ( a sweet spicy mix)

We both ate hearty portions and had plenty left over.  We ate this on Saturday.

Tonight ( Tuesday) I used what was left and made chicken corn noodle soup. Added a can of chicken broth, cut up some carrots, added a little onion and some wide egg noodles.  Over did it on the noodles-it ended up more stew than soup, but it was good.  If I would have had time I probably would have made rivels for it ( my PA Dutch background) but DH needed to be somewhere.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Design Wall Monday-1/21/2013

  Not much to show this week but some winter themed snowball blocks that will be mailed for a swap. I made 4 of each so I did make 24 blocks! I was working on blocks for a different swap and am getting so totally frustrated that I have decided that's it--no more! The first few I made came out fine, but since then really having problems. Have enough going on right now I don't need the added stress. Quilting, sewing should be fun not stressful at least for me anyway. Maybe next Monday I'll have something more to show.Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Stash report-week 3, 2013

Did a lot of sewing this week on swap blocks, but will getting some back in return so can not count that fabric. Maybe next week I will have some different numbers.  At least I didn't add anything!

Used this Week:  0 yards
Used year to Date: 8.33
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 0 yards
Net Used for 2013: 8.33

Back to Judy to see how others did week 3

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What's Cooking-Wilted Spinach with New Potatoes

I decided for this weeks What's Cooking to make my Mother's recipe for Wilted Spinach over New Potatoes.  It is also her dressing recipe for her German Potato Salad

Dressing: 4 strips of bacon                   1/2 C. cider vinegar
                 1 cup sugar                           1/2 C. water
                 1/2 tsp. salt                           1egg
                 2 tsps. cornstarch                  dash of pepper
   Cut bacon strips into small pieces and fry until crisp.  Combine sugar,salt,pepper, cornstarch and egg, beating in the egg, then vinegar and water-mix well.  Pour this mixture into the pan with the bacon fat and bacon.  Cook slowly until thick.   Pour over your fresh spinach and stir.
Put your boiled new potaotes in a bowl, pour the wilted spinach on top.  I then top mine with slices of hard boiled egg.

For dinner we had roasted chicken, carrot sticks, and new potatoes with wilted spinach.

I do need to improve my picture taking when it comes to food.  Didn't think to turn the chicken leg over before taking the picture!
Back to Judy at Patchworktimes 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Stash Report - week 2, 2013

I have actually used more than I am posting as I have been making blocks for a swap as well.  Since I'll be getting some back it wouldn' t be fair to post that yardage as going out!  Would love to tho!
Week 2 report-used 8;
to date 8:33
The fact that I have made it through 2 weeks without buying fabric is amazing! And yes, I have been to my LQS, but for other things. They think I must be ill!
Now back to Judy at Patchworktimes to see what others have done.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Days don't always go as planned!

Today was supposed to be a fairly simple day, I had even hoped to get to sew some during several internet group virtual sew ins. Our one girl, Tilly was going to the vet for a routine teeth cleaning. Would have most of the day free. The vet called, he wasn't happy with her blood work, did not feel comfortable giving her anethesia today.  Went back to pick her up and she is now on medication for 30 days to see if there really is a problem, or if this was a fluke. we get home and the wood chips/mulch we thought was coming late this afternoon - you guessed it! With all the errands we had to do and then start moving the mulch to the much beds, no way could I get to the machine 
We did lower the pile some in a few hours, but then had to quit for dinner.As much as we need the rain we are hoping they are wrong in their forecast for late tonight and in the morning. Or at least it's a gentle rain and no heavy down pours.  We still have a lot to put down. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to find the sewing machine and join my on-line friends. Things don't always go as planned!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Carrots, that's what's cooking!

Judy at Patchworktimes started a "What's Cooking" on Wednesday where she gives us an ingredient and we use it in something the following week. This past week was carrots. I was going to make my trusty dish with carrots and honey etc, but was browsing through my cookbook and found another one to try. I did my usual adapting to what I had handy.

Carrots and Raisins
2 Tblsps. butter or margerine;
1 1/2 lbs. carrots, cleaned and cut in diagonal 1/4 inch slices;
1/3 cup water or dry white wine;
1/2 tsp. nutmeg;
2/3 cup white raisins;
3 tsps. light brown sugar.

 Melt butter in medium skillet. Add carrots, water (wine) and nutmeg.
Cover. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
Stir in raisins and sugar; cook 5 minutes or until raisins are plump and carrots are glazed.
4-6 servings.

I had crasins here so used those instead of raisins, also used the wine. The guys went back for seconds so it must have been good!

Check out others on Judy's site at

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Stash report- week 1, 2013

I am going to see how well I can adhere to using as much from my way to big fabric "collection" this year.  Like Judy I have resisted the online and the local quilt stores sales!  That in itself is a great beginning for me.  Did not get to use much as I was making blocks this week for several swaps I am in.  Did however get the binding on a quilt top I have had sitting here waiting to be finished.  Hence only a small usage report, but it is on the positive side!  Will post a picture later on.

Used this Week: 12.5 inches
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 0 yards
Net Used for 2013: 12.5 inches

I may have to rethink how I will figure fabric used before next weeks report.
Back to Judy to see what everyone else has been up too!Judy at Patchwork Times

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January's getting it done challenge

Wishing everyone a very Happy 2013!  Wonder how long it will take me to start writing a 3!

Things I hope to finish  this month for Judy's challenge
1. Bind a batik quilt that has been sitting here for saveral months. Done
2. Finish the fire escape quilt in blue batiks (Atkinson designs)
3. Finish up my winter snow ball blocks for a swap on QWLDone
4. Finish up my batik lifesaver blocks for another on line groupDropped

Things I need and hope to work on
1. You guessed it-Easy Street!
2. Cut fabric for a County Line Quilt pattern using soccer as the theme.

Since I am not sure yet how this month is going to shape up, that is all I am adding to the list.

Go back to Judy L. patchwork times to see what others are doing.

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