Monday, March 9, 2015


I have been sewing on blocks for various projects.  I did finish the Trifecta BOM for Feb.
                    I like this version of the Friendship Star. Has a little more interest to it.I need to go back to Cotton Cupboard now and get the block for this month.

I have also been doing the Quilters Addicts Anonymous  2015 BOM on Craftsy. Calypso Kaleidoscope is the name. I am using some of the Calypso Batiks by Moda and a lot from my stash. It has been a lot of fun so far and I am caught up! This is the center medallion.
                        And yes, I plan on keeping this one!

      This link will take you to it-      calypso kaleidoscope

Have been having fun celebrating being another year older. Meals with close friends, of course the coupons from various places.  All great fun. This was my free dessert from Jack Allens Kitchen in Round Rock last Monday.
Galen and I split the very rich chocolate torte.
It's a  rainy Monday here in Round Rock. Over an inch so far and still raining. Am hoping that the areas to the west of us over the Highland Lakes are getting this as well. The farmers close to us are now wishing it would stop raining for a little while so they can get their corn planted.They start planting by the middle of February and this year it has been a little wetter than usual and colder than usual. So if they haven't planted be now it will be another week before the ground is ready.

The contractors should be coming out this afternoon to give us ideas for the remodel of the master bath and the other big job we want done. My Dad who us 97 is thinking that maybe now is a good time to look at the retirement place near by for those 55 and older. That is tomorrow. He is still living by himself and is getting tired of the cooking etc. And we would have a little more peace of mind. He knows that. But it is his decision.
See what else happens this week!


  1. Your friendship star blocks look great - really vibrant fabrics.

  2. okay okay lovely work and all but ...... POODLES?? How have I missed your blog? I don't think I've been here before... I have a black standard who did a monday mischief post today and does one each Monday. Lots of poodle quilts made.
    I am also a quilter... we must become friends!
    LeeAnna at Not afraid of color


  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...