Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fabric Stash report-week 12, 2015

My numbers remain the same. I have been very busy getting ready for the next remodel. That means trying to organize, toss out, and generally rearrange the upstairs stuff. The upstairs stuff is mostly my sewing. I have unearthed 4- patches from several swaps that I participated in about 8 years ago, maybe more. A bag of Christmas nickles from about the same time frame. Some patterns that I must have really liked as I have 2 of them.  Don't think I need to say more!
We have also ordered our fixtures for the bathroom, figured on the paint colors, had people out to look and do a quick measurement for the shutters and yesterday picked out the light fixtures.Plus set up the dates to get our furniture out and into storage and Dad moved to his new apartment. That about covers it!!!!!

Used this week:     0
Added this week;   0
Used to date:        21
Added to date:        8
Net:                       13

We had another inch of rain where we live yesterday but still not much over the lakes where it is really needed. I am sure the farmers on our side would like things to dry out. It is almost to late to plant the corn. Will be a lot of millet and probably cotton going in this year. The sun is out today and promises to be a nice day.

Off now to get dinner in the crock pot-swiss steak for the 3 of us, then back to cleaning out!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are very busy indeed. Good overall numbers though. I like your idea of a crock pot steak. I need to do more crock pot cooking so I can sew more UFOs.


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