Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fabric stash Report-week 13, 2015

I actually did get to sew just a little this past week!  More fabric fondling than sewing, but I did manage to use 1/3 of a yard making a fabric box for a gift. It's used so it counts!

Used this week:     .33
Added this week;   0
Used to date:        21.33
Added to date:        8
Net:                       13.33

We moved the remodel start date back a week. That gives us a little more time to get things ready and also get Dad moved. And now that Spring has finally arrived to Texas and the bluebonnets are blooming it's too nice to be inside all the time working!

Over to Patchworktimes!

1 comment:

  1. Yes -- that's exactly my motto! Every little bit *counts*! Enjoy the day! :)


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