Monday, March 16, 2015


I needed to get a picture of my Seeing Stars quilt that was the NY Mystery on Justquiltin-Denise Russart. My friends at the LQS held it for me this morning.
It is quilted and I finished the binding this weekend. I do like the way it turned out.  When  I showed it to Galen last evening he asked where it was going. For the time being it will stay here!

We had a busy Monday getting things in line for the remodel and Dad's move. Appointments made for people to come out on Wednesday to give us an estimate to move and store our furniture for a couple of months. And also the people are coming that afternoon to measure for the shutters. We need that done as at the one window the tile will butt up against the shutter. Tomorrow we are also going to the plumbing supply place to pick out the faucets etc for the bathroom. Get that done and they'll get the exact measurements to the contractor. Between now and D-day I am trying to get the upstairs livable as that is where we will be sleeping.  When one doesn't have company for a long time that stays with us, one's sewing takes over!!!!!!

Over to Patchworktimes

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