Monday, November 25, 2013

Design Wall-Monday November 25, 2013

I managed to get a little sewing in this past week.  Finished the Dublin top of the month for Cotton Cupboard.  I wasn't sure I was going to get it done by last Thursday but the push to keep going so I would get the free one in a few months spurred me on! I made 2 smaller ones instead of one big one. One is set 6 x 8 and the other 7 x 8, that used all the blocks.


Tilly wanted to get in the act!

Here is the fabric for the next one-not as many pieces this time so hopefully I'll get it finished earlier than so close to the deadline! It is KAYLA.  It uses a theme fabric and 6 fat quarters. It was getting grey and cold and windy on Thursday-poppies looked good!

Then there is Judy's quilt Along-Fit for a Hero.  Have no business doing it, but that has never stopped me before.  Will get it worked on somehow! This will take you to the link FIT FOR A HERO

 There is more contrast than is showing between the 2 blues.  Too cold and rainy to take pictures outside.  Besides there wasn't any sun! these are all Stonehenge Fabrics that I have collected.
It is going to be a very busy day-the guys are coming to look over the remodel project-electrician, plumber, cabinet maker, everyone will be here this morning.  I am having a hard time visualizing how they are planning on doing some of the things they say they can do, so it will be interesting.  Then this afternoon we should finally be getting U-Verse installed.  Don't really care that much about the TV part but would love the faster internet.  We were first scheduled to have it installed Oct. 15th, but they found problems with the lines, the distance from the main terminals etc.  So after weeks of  them out here working at various locations they say we are good. So here's hoping. The girls and I will take off this afternoon and run errands while that is being installed.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Stash Report-week 47, 2013

My numbers did change this week!  I finished Dublin on time to get my next Top of the Month pattern and fabric.  A friend also reminded me that I sent her about 2.5 yds. from my stash for a quilt she was making for her grand daughters school raffle.

Used this week:         11.4
Used to date:           167.2
Added this week         3
Added to date           64.6
Net used:                 102.6

I am happy to be back in the triple digits for net used!

I will be using fabric from my stash for the quilt along-Fit for a Hero.  I need to get the progressive block of the month top completed. I am running out of time to get it done to get the shop gift certificate!

Have been packing up things from the kitchen that I won't need over the next 3-4 months.  Extra dishes, glass ware and such.  Took down all the decorative "stuff" from the top of the cabinets today.  Some of getting packed for future use, some will be given away to family and friends and there are some things just going! But it is a start. Will start on the Butlers pantry next, but probably not until next weekend.

Back to Patchworktimes!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Design Wall November 18, 2013

I wasn't sure I was going to have anything on the wall for today. It has been one of those weeks! I did get a chance to sew however this afternoon and evening.  30 of the 99 blocks are on the wall just to give an idea. Most of them are finished. I think I have about 25 more to sew on the solid strip, but I was getting tired of sewing and pressing! I may or may not have it finished by Thursday. I also have the option of doing 2 smaller quilts and that may be what happens.
The pattern uses a jelly roll and about 1.5 yds for the solid.
My hubby leaves in the morning for a few days of hunting and helping our friend at his place in Brady and Dad has decided to skip the Y as well, so I will have a chance to maybe get it put together. It was a late night for him on Saturday plus an emotional one, so he was pretty well played out today.
Cake cutting ceremony for the Marine Corps birthday. the oldest and youngest in attendance participate. At 96 Dad was the oldest.

At the dinner. Me, Dad, friends and Galen is at the other end.
I have also started packing up kitchen items that I  will not need for 3 or 4 months-extra dishes and such. Decided I had better start now instead of rushing at the last minute.  Work on the kitchen is scheduled to start Jan. 6, 2014!  That will be here before we know!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Stash Report-week 46, 2013

Nothing in or out this week, so that was good.  Had hoped to have some used numbers to report but the week wasn't long enough.  Am starting to sound a little like a broken record, maybe next week! I did manage a little sewing but have also been spending time packing up things we won't be needing for the next few months. We had a chance to donate some things for a silent auction in January being held at the Texas ornithology meeting here in Round Rock.  Perfect opportunity to decide what bird things (carvings etc.) we wanted to keep or donate  to them.  Meant going through some boxes from storage not to mention "stuff" sitting around the house.  Good timing.

Anyway, I really hope to have some different numbers to post next week

Used this week:        0
Used to date:       155.8
Added this week      0
Added to date        61.7
Net used:               94.1

We also had a first frost warning of the year this past week. We spent some time getting the temp. green house and plants in side or covered as best we could. Would love a big greenhouse, but this one will have to do.
 I cut back 2 of the bougainvillea as they weren't blooming but decided to just move this on to the more protected porch. It was so pretty!
It wasn't much of a frost for us so even the other bed still looks good.  Just a little frost damage on the fire bushes.
But at least now everything is ready for the next frost/freeze warning!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Design Wall Monday-November 11,2013

I am getting tired of showing the same thing on the wall.  Yes, my progressive block of the month is in limbo. Lots going on which means have not been sewing much.  I did finish binding a quilt last week while at the ranch.  So that is what I
am going to show today!

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stash Report-week 45

I am going backwards!  No sewing, but when I stopped at  my LQS on Tuesday to get a few things they had some pieces by the register that were good blenders.  Yes, I was naughty and picked up a few of them. It's like having the candy at the check out line at the grocery store!

Used this week:        0
Used to date:       155.8
Added this week      2.5
Added to date        61.7
Net used:               94.1

Must get back to sewing!

We did sign the contract and put down the deposit on the kitchen remodel (should say gutting the kitchen! and starting from scratch). So we are committed now. Now we are looking at lighting, will look at appliances this coming week.  My net usage should start going up if and when I get the chance to sew-will really need to use what is in my fabric collection!!!!!

In honor of my Father and all Marines-Happy Birthday to the Corps and Semper Fi

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Design Wall-November 4th, 2013

No sewing this week, same picture as last week.  It was a strange week. There never seemed to be any block of time where I could get back to working on this. The weather was pretty nice, time to get outside things done.  Did get our temporary green house back up in case we get some cold nights and need to protect some plants.  Got some better pictures of the granite we are going to be using in the kitchen. Started to look at light fixtures for the kitchen and powder room. Lots of improvements and changes.  No decisions yet, have a few places to look.  But it is fun, I will say that.  Don't think I would ever want to build a house, gutting the kitchen will be enough, but it is exciting.  Ask me that in January after everything is torn up!
Maybe there will be some progress to show next Monday!

I did sew a little on Saturday at the ranch.  I thought I took the picture with the quilt at the machine, but guess not.Took one along to get the binding finished! And the binding is finished. Got the hand sewing done before leaving on Monday
Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

Sunday, November 3, 2013

20th Anniversary

As some of you know we lived in Taiwan for 10 years.  It was a great place,a lot of wonderful friends and some interesting events. Galen traveled to China fairly often and at that time you could not fly direct from Taiwan to China.  We would fly to Hong Kong then on to China. On this occasion he had been in China for several weeks and had to stay in Hong Kong over the weekend as he had meetings on Monday. Then he would fly back to Taiwan.  Our ladies group was going to be going to Hong Kong for their annual Christmas shopping trip that Monday.  Great, I'll fly over early, spend the weekend with my husband then stay and shop with the "girls"!

Great plan.  My plane left Taiwan as scheduled (minor typhoon). If you have seen movies where they show flying into Hong Kong-going between the apartment buildings and the one and only runway goes out into the harbor-then you know what I am talking about.  We got to Kai-Tak Airport, made our approach in between  the apartment buildings(looking in the windows!)  and went to land in the wind and rain.  We touched down about half way down the runway, hydro planed a little, made the first turn of the U to  head back to the terminal.  We could not make the second leg of the U and slid into the harbor!

Got to go down the slide into the life raft. Unfortunately we were starting to drift out into the harbor. A tug pushed us back in closer to the rocks. Another problem, since we were over the wing, they couldn't then get the boat in then to get us. It is possible to get back up the slide, walk across the plane and down the other slide then into the rescue boat. I had many flight attendants tell me that is impossible.  It isn't but then I had bruises on my arms from the guys helping me back up!  
 A very wet me on the boat!
 Since the plane was hindering other plane traffic they blew off the tail.  This is a picture of the plane early December back on land and being gutted.  It was an expensive accident-6 month old 747-400 wasted!

The following January friends of ours were flying off island for their Chinese new Year Trip on the same airline. The daughter was going through a pack of post cards they were given when they boarded the plane. She realized this card had s picture of me and three friends (one her mother) that had been taken in the old section of Taipei.  It was the area that had all the New Year decorations, herbal shops etc. Great place and we would spend many hours there browsing-oh yes, the fabric market was there as well!

Oh yes, I did not stay and shop with the gals.  Had to do some shopping to get some clothes to wear that weekend and flew back to Taiwan on Monday with Galen! Had lost my interest in Christmas shopping that weekend! Instead when we took my parents over early December-I shopped then!!!!

Post script-Galen gets to the hotel that evening. Says, I didn't know if you would be here, for some reason the airport is closed! About that time the news came on with a picture of my plane in the harbor. He then understood why I was sitting there in a bath robe and my pant suit was hanging from the shower rod!

Stash Report-week 44, 2013

Nothing in and nothing out-numbers still the same from last week!

But we did get to meet Judy and Vince for lunch.  They stopped at Tractor Supply, we had to stop at Walmart.  Will tell on myself-had everything I needed to hand sew the binding on a quilt while we were here but the needle! Too bad or maybe a good thing I didn't know where the quilt shop was until this morning!
I think I said this last week-next week there will be different numbers!
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