Monday, November 18, 2013

Design Wall November 18, 2013

I wasn't sure I was going to have anything on the wall for today. It has been one of those weeks! I did get a chance to sew however this afternoon and evening.  30 of the 99 blocks are on the wall just to give an idea. Most of them are finished. I think I have about 25 more to sew on the solid strip, but I was getting tired of sewing and pressing! I may or may not have it finished by Thursday. I also have the option of doing 2 smaller quilts and that may be what happens.
The pattern uses a jelly roll and about 1.5 yds for the solid.
My hubby leaves in the morning for a few days of hunting and helping our friend at his place in Brady and Dad has decided to skip the Y as well, so I will have a chance to maybe get it put together. It was a late night for him on Saturday plus an emotional one, so he was pretty well played out today.
Cake cutting ceremony for the Marine Corps birthday. the oldest and youngest in attendance participate. At 96 Dad was the oldest.

At the dinner. Me, Dad, friends and Galen is at the other end.
I have also started packing up kitchen items that I  will not need for 3 or 4 months-extra dishes and such. Decided I had better start now instead of rushing at the last minute.  Work on the kitchen is scheduled to start Jan. 6, 2014!  That will be here before we know!


  1. You are so lucky to have your dad!! But I guess you know that! Nice quilts. I am so ready to piece. I've been handquilting and have half dozen bindings to do.

    1. I know I am fortunate to still have my Dad around. He moved to TX right after his 90th birthday. He finally decided his only child and SIL were not going to be moving back to PA! What's even better is that he and my husband get along really well. that is very good as sometimes I am way to much like my dad and we occassionaly do butt heads! He still lives by himself.

  2. The greens and reds in your project jumped out at me ... and so I saw Christmas quilt–even though, on closer inspection, it is something quite different. I guess I must already have the holidays on my mind.

    1. The jelly roll is fruit and veggies! Took the picture at night, so the colors are off

  3. What a great honor for your Dad and you! I am so glad that Veteran's day seems to have a resurgence of interest. Good luck with your remodel.

    I like your blocks-what a happy quilt this will become.


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