Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Design Wall-November 4th, 2013

No sewing this week, same picture as last week.  It was a strange week. There never seemed to be any block of time where I could get back to working on this. The weather was pretty nice, time to get outside things done.  Did get our temporary green house back up in case we get some cold nights and need to protect some plants.  Got some better pictures of the granite we are going to be using in the kitchen. Started to look at light fixtures for the kitchen and powder room. Lots of improvements and changes.  No decisions yet, have a few places to look.  But it is fun, I will say that.  Don't think I would ever want to build a house, gutting the kitchen will be enough, but it is exciting.  Ask me that in January after everything is torn up!
Maybe there will be some progress to show next Monday!

I did sew a little on Saturday at the ranch.  I thought I took the picture with the quilt at the machine, but guess not.Took one along to get the binding finished! And the binding is finished. Got the hand sewing done before leaving on Monday
Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

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