Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stash Report-week 45

I am going backwards!  No sewing, but when I stopped at  my LQS on Tuesday to get a few things they had some pieces by the register that were good blenders.  Yes, I was naughty and picked up a few of them. It's like having the candy at the check out line at the grocery store!

Used this week:        0
Used to date:       155.8
Added this week      2.5
Added to date        61.7
Net used:               94.1

Must get back to sewing!

We did sign the contract and put down the deposit on the kitchen remodel (should say gutting the kitchen! and starting from scratch). So we are committed now. Now we are looking at lighting, will look at appliances this coming week.  My net usage should start going up if and when I get the chance to sew-will really need to use what is in my fabric collection!!!!!

In honor of my Father and all Marines-Happy Birthday to the Corps and Semper Fi

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes!


  1. You didn't do much on the stash enhancement side, you are still sitting on the net used side which is really good. Hope you find some time to stitch.

  2. Oh how I totally understand those tempting fabrics near the checkout! You deserve a little sweet though. WOW look at your "used" numbers. Great going. Mine keeps steadily going backwards.! :)


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