Sunday, November 24, 2013

Stash Report-week 47, 2013

My numbers did change this week!  I finished Dublin on time to get my next Top of the Month pattern and fabric.  A friend also reminded me that I sent her about 2.5 yds. from my stash for a quilt she was making for her grand daughters school raffle.

Used this week:         11.4
Used to date:           167.2
Added this week         3
Added to date           64.6
Net used:                 102.6

I am happy to be back in the triple digits for net used!

I will be using fabric from my stash for the quilt along-Fit for a Hero.  I need to get the progressive block of the month top completed. I am running out of time to get it done to get the shop gift certificate!

Have been packing up things from the kitchen that I won't need over the next 3-4 months.  Extra dishes, glass ware and such.  Took down all the decorative "stuff" from the top of the cabinets today.  Some of getting packed for future use, some will be given away to family and friends and there are some things just going! But it is a start. Will start on the Butlers pantry next, but probably not until next weekend.

Back to Patchworktimes!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for you to be in the triple digits. A good year for you.


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