Monday, July 15, 2013

Design Wall Monday-July 15, 2013

Not much sewing got done this past week, but I did manage to finish the Top of the Month.  Good thing, I need to take it to the quilt shop on Thursday to get credit and pick out the fabric for next month!
We have been having some rain this morning!  Started very early and has been raining on and off for awhile.
While it isn't going to truly help the drought situation it is good to get some rain.  It helps wash the dust from the limestone quarry off the trees.  When I take Dad to the Y we pass a big quarry and when we don't have rain, the leaves are more gray than green! We have had a little over 1/2" so far. Hope the forecast holds true for the next few days-chance of storms!

My computer and I are still having a love/hate relationship, but we are somewhat getting along.

back to Judy for more eye candy!

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