Wednesday, July 31, 2013

August Get it Done List-2013

My July Get it Done, well let's just say not much got done!

This month's LQS top of the month-Done!

Finish the work area

Dig out a UFO and work on it this time!

I should get a quilt back from the quilter-if so will get it

I did make a lot of progress in the sewing room and the whole upstairs. Instead of digging out a UFO and working on it- I found  few more.

My quilt did come back from the quilter but it is not bound.  

So my list for August:

Bind the quilt from July's list.
Bind the 2 donation quilts that I'll pick up probably next week.  they aren't as big.
Get the next Top of the Month quilt top made. they always need to be finished by the 3rd Thursday.
Would like to get caught up on the LQS block of the Month from Honey Bee
And yes, I am going to get back to working on at least one UFO!

Seems like a lot for me for the month, but I am ready to get back to sewing. And since I may actually be able to find things, my sewing time should be more productive! Also it looks like Galen will be away for a week!
What's on your list?

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