Monday, July 22, 2013

Design Wall-July 22, 2013

A little sewing this past week so I do have something to show.  Actually blocks for 2 different projects!
This one is a Block of the Month at Honey Bee Quilt store in Austin.  I was not going to do any more of these for a long while.(have a stock pile!)  But it is all batiks and that did it!

This one is what Jessica is calling a Progressive Block of the Month.  She has the Cotton Cupboard in Lakeway.  Everyone is making the same pattern but picking their own fabrics.  And you work on it at your own pace.  We picked the fabric for the first 2 blocks, then you pick the fabric for the 3rd and so on until the blocks are finished.  You pay up front for this one, but if you keep at it and then get the top made within 60 days (once blocks are done and you pick your sashing and border fabrics) you get a gift certificate.  So you basically end up only paying for the pattern!  When I was there last week I got to see several others progressive quilt blocks-really fun to see what others had picked for their focus fabrics.

If I can get a little more sewing time this week-there should be a few more blocks to show next Monday!

Back to Patchwork Times for more eye candy!

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