Monday, May 7, 2018

Design Wall Monday-May 7 2018

I actually accomplished some sewing last week. Galen was out of town from Tuesday on. I bonded with my one of my sewing machines. Set it up on the kitchen table so I didn't have to keep running up and down the steps to let the girls out to chase squirrels! It's is one of their favorite activities!

Before I started on a new quilt top I finished binding this one. Still have one more to bind or maybe two if I pick up one today! Kerry at is doing a great job on my quilts

I have had this quilt kit from Honey Bee for a little while and decided it needed to get made

Got my strips sewn together

And cut

And then proceeded to put the first block together-Wrong!

        Amazing how I can look at a picture and still put it together wrong! Won't  be the last time that will happen!

Now on the right track

And the top is finished!!!!

It is a good size quilt-72 x 90. And a  fun pattern to make.


  1. Love your dogs gracing your banner. Your newly finished top looks great.

  2. It is gorgeous! The colors, the pop of black sashings. Very pretty.

  3. Great quilts, I like the white spaces in the first one, it looks so calm and cool. And I like the black in the second one. Binding is not a problem with me, but some people don't like to do it. Do you like to sew down the binding? Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, Judy

    1. Yes, I enjoy sewing down the binding on quilts. And if it isn't too hot in Texas I love to sit outside and sew. A lot gets done early morning or late evening when it is nice to be outside


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