Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Design Wall Monday-a day late!!! (5/22/2018)

      Did not get my usual post done for yesterday so am playing catch up! Nothing new for me!!! It was a week of yard work mostly for Galen. We are slowly getting rid of our Asian Jasmine ground cover in the front. Yes, it looks nice, is not native and likes to climb walls and bushes. It is a pain to keep out of the shrubbery. So after 19 years it is getting torn out. My job was keeping the new sod watered! It is taking hold so we are hoping that after this month as can get back to our regularly scheduled watering days. I am cringing to think what this water bill will be; but we did need to sod some of the front yard!

On the sewing front, there was some success! I did finish the top I was working on. Hash Browns by Cozy Strip Club and a long overdue club project from Honey Bee. I gave it to Kerry yesterday to quilt for me.

Also gave her 2 quilt tops from my friend Wendy in MO. Kerry will quilt them and when finished I will pass them on to the Thank you Quilters. The quilts go to Ft. Hood. Not good pictures, was more interested in showing Wendy the backings I bought for them.

Will have better pictures when finished!

Since I finished the top I was working on last week and had been going through containers I was 
finding quilt kits that needed to be made. Thursday and Friday I spent the days cutting 4 kits.

Started kit #1 over the weekend. Arcadia is the pattern by Mountainpeek Creations. I do enjoy their designs. 

20 floral blocks

This is the pieced sashing. 

Playing with the layout as one of the prints is directional

Row 1 is done

As for our girls, Tilly, our 11 year old Standard had an appointment with the vet on Wednesday. She needed her teeth cleaned. She was still a little groggy when we brought her home later that afternoon.
She was a lot more alert about an hour after this photo and back to her ornery self by bedtime.

As for Tiki our 13 year old Standard she spent most of Wednesday sleeping or nuzzling her buffalo. She was missing her sister.

That was life at the Stewarts last week

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