Monday, May 14, 2018

Design Wall Monday May 14, 2018

It was a fairly productive week. I managed to bind another quilt. It will go on the stack to be sent where and when needed. My friend Kerry at did another great quilting job. Yes it is the same backing as the one I showed last week. One thing nice about using wide backings if the quilts are the right size you can get 2 on the same backing.

This next picture is a better one of the quilt I showed last week

I dug out another old strip club pattern and fabric from 2005. I think I pulled it out once before when we were remodeling the kitchen in 2014. Had some of it sorted and cut. But then the kitchen was done and it got put away again. Not anymore.
The Pattern is Hash Browns by Cozy Quilt Company. This will be a great guy quilt when finished

I laid it out on the kitchen island as I was also canning the last batch of sauerkraut! Sometimes I can multi task!

Done with sauerkraut now - another 7 pints and 6 quarts should last us for a little while. And yes, we do give some away!

All sealed and ready to get put away!


  1. Beautiful quilt finishes! Love the browns in Hash Browns.

  2. Ohhh, I love the browns in the nine patch quilt. It could be for a man or a woman, because I love brown. I've never canned sauerkraut before. Good job with multi-tasking while canning.


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