Monday, January 15, 2018

Design Wall Monday-January 15, 2018

Hard to believe that January is half over! Last week was a busy one for us. The Christmas decorations are down and put back into storage. Always sad to see them come down, things look bare for a day or too!  The sauerkraut was finally canned.

7 quarts and 14 pints. That should do us for a while!

I did finish the top I showed last week.

Higgensville Fences! 

Am loving how it turned out. Will make this one again I think. Great way to use a jelly roll plus accent fabric. Yes, the wind always picks up when trying to take pictures outside!

Of course there is always the unexpected. Went to get something out of one of our garage freezers for dinner Wednesday, late afternoon. Food was getting soft. Shut the door again, made sure it was shut. Went out a little later to check it out. Not good. Early Thursday morning-freezer shopping at Lowes. Yes, they had what we wanted and yes they are in stock. Will deliver on the 18th! Not good enough! Our sales man, being very nice, wanted to check something out. One of their trucks coming in with special orders was delayed. Since they were going to be canceling a lot of deliveries, the delivery supervisor changed the date on ours to first thing Friday morning. That I could live with. Our big boat coolers came out of storage, food from the good freezer was put in those and the stuff starting to defrost into the working one. We looked at this as being positive, it happened while we were at home and we were able to do an inventory of what was there. Something I had been neglecting to do. Oldest is in the front of the freezers. Thank heavens for food saver and will not need to buy meat for a while!

My next project is a new quilt top called Centered by Sparrow Quilt Company in Alberta, Canada. It is a scrap quilt using 2 1/2 inch strips. I have most of it cut.

this is the store picture.
We are in for some wintry weather starting tomorrow. Sounds like good sewing weather!

Am picking up my Barn Dance quilt this morning from my quilting friend. Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Bare walls and surfaces are sad after Christmas decor comes down. We had the freezer in our fridge go out last year and it was a PITA until the new fridge/freezer got delivered. Glad you were there to sort that out.


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