Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday January 8, 2017

Here we are the first full week of 2018 is over! For central Texas we had a cold week. Too many hours below freezing. I imagine we lost a few plants but that does happen sometimes.Most of what we have planted will take a few hours of below freezing, but not 60 hours straight!  And the blue jays and woodpeckers went through 20 lbs. of peanuts. Kept us quite busy refilling the peanut feeder! We kept the small heater we had for our big fountain so we put that in th small birdbath that has running water! The birds loved it!

Have been sorting through things and came across a UFO from 2008. Not sure if I started it then or at a later date. But the pattern has the date on it. It was a strip club pattern from my LQS-Honey Bee.
                  I had the accent squares cut but not the rest.

                      The darks from the jelly roll

                                                      Blocks A and B are sewn

                                              This is the top before borders.

                                              Next week I will be able to show a finished top!

On Friday we took a drive East of us to look for Harris Hawks. We see them on the coast a lot but not very often in our area. No luck finding them but Galen did get a great shot of a Red Tail Hawk.

Later on in the day he went down to our lake to look for small birds. Did not see much. Came home and in the trees by us a flock of Cedar Waxwings and a Red Shoulder Hawk. As quite a few of the neighbors also feed the birds the hawks are often in the area looking for a meal.

Cedar Waxwing

Red Shoulder Hawk.

That does it for me.

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