Monday, January 29, 2018

Design Wall Monday January 29th, 2018

My last Design Wall post for January of this year. Still not sure where the month has disappeared too quite so fast!  Today I am checking in from South Padre Island. We have been here since last Monday evening. Made several stops on the way here at more birding spots. And since I usually stay with the girls in the car ( can't walk them in some parks ) I had a small quilt with me that I could work on.

                             My third Arkansas Road scrap quilt is bound

Also finished the binding on Candy Land. Tiki was not overly helpful

So then I took the quilt outside and put it on the balcony railing

One day I did manage to put the blocks together for my Stay Centered Quilt top. It was a fun one to make and more stash was used

                                                         then it was back to binding

                                                          Starry Night is finished

And I am working on the last one I brought along. I know there is a picture some where??? Next week will post a picture of the completed quilt! It is my Shuffle Quilt.

My husband has some been able to get some great pictures on this trip of birds. The weather has been really hard on the butterflies and dragonflies. That will be another trip. We also went to the Rio Grande Valley Quilt show again this year. Some great quilts. As I have time I will be uploading to several blog posts. Will not put all 100+ pictures in one!

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