Monday, January 26, 2015


I did sew quite a bit this week, well some sewing a lot of pressing and trimming too! 
This is on the ironing board waiting to be pressed. Have a total of 4 completed and need to put together the other 3.  This quilt is a gift for someone, but think I need to make at least one more. I have a lot of 5" batik charm squares and this would be ideal for them.

I get emails from Etsy since I have shopped there a few times. never good to sign up for emails. Was looking at doggie things and found this site with really cute tote bags. Do I need another bag, no, but the poodle was perfect, as was the saying!  Most times anything I see with poodles are the show cuts and our girls -no way. 
She has a lot of cute things and not just pets.
Her service was great so am very happy. Our black poodle, Tilly is a Valentine baby. So this is my gift to me for her birthday!

Saturday, January 24, 2015


I have been sewing but nothing is finished. I also had to buy some fabric for the background of the quilt I am working on. Thought I had  enough of the fabric I planned on using, but no. And since the background is a blue batik I ended up buying the full amount needed so it was all the same. 

Used this week:         0
Added this week:       5
Used to date:            7.25
added to date:           5 .75
Net:                          1.5

I am still in the black at least!


Monday, January 19, 2015


I have been sewing the past 2 weeks.  It was a busy day last Monday so I didn't post anything. Will make up for it today!

Seeing Stars
This is from Denise (justquiltin) NY's mystery. I am going to add borders to it hopefully this week.

Trifecta BOM #6

Trifecta BOM #9

 Trifecta blocks are a block of the month at the LQS.
Maybe next Monday! I'll have a picture of the 36 blocks made so far. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015


I did sew this week and unless I start counting fabric in blocks made-nothing to report! My numbers remain the same

Used this week:         0
Added this week:       0
Used to date:            7.25
added to date:            .75
Net:                          6.50

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Sunday, January 11, 2015


I manged to get some sewing time in this week. Felt good! I have Seeing Stars top finished.  Some fabric will get counted as used. Also picked up my next 3 FQS for this month's Trifecta BOM I am doing for Cotton Cupboard; I get to add a little too!

Used this week:       7.25
Added this week:       .75
Used to date:            7.25
added to date:            .75
Net:                          6.50

I'm happy!
back to Judy at Patchworktimes

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Saturday Recipe Review

I am playing catch up on the pressure cooker recipes. Some of these are from Christmas but since I have not written about them I will here.
Tonight we had sirloin tips with gravy.  I cut the recipe in half as I was using a smaller amount of beef.  And instead of using the full amount of water and beef bullion I added some red wine that was open. We didn't have it on noodles, I had rice left over from earlier in the week!  It was delicious, nothing was left. The beef very tender.

Another night we had thai chicken thighs. I added more ginger as we really like it. This is another one I will make again. And it was even better for lunch.

I said I was catching up and also talking about a recipe I made at Christmas. I was intrigued when Judy mentioned cheesecake.  We had this cheesecake recipe.  Another keeper, but I won't make it often, very rich with the toffee pecan crust and caramel topping! But so simple to make.

These are the meals where I used the electric pressure cooker

back to Judy at patchworktimes

Monday, January 5, 2015


The first design wall of 2015 and I still am not using my wall. Hopefully by the end of the month I'll be able to get to it and have all the little threads off of it once again!

Denise, of Just quiltin' fame did a mystery for her blog readers. So while I wasn't able to sew on the 3rd I did get clue one sewn and pressed yesterday. The mystery is Seeing Stars. Most were using solid I believe but I opted for batiks

Clue 1 is finished and pressed. 
The unsewn square in the middle is what clue 2 will look like. Yes, I need to get those dog ears trimmed off! I think 1 was the longest so I should have it put together for next Monday!

Today when Galen gets back from playing golf and looking birds we will be starting to undecorate. It's time to put Christmas  away. It always looks so bare when we do! It's a low key week and hoping it will stay that way; 2 Dr. appts. for Dad.  Maybe I will get some much needed organizing done in the sewing area!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Fabric Stash Report-Week 1, 2015

A New Year and off to a good start-well at least I didn't buy anything yet! I did do some cutting for Denise's New Year mystery, but things don't always go as planned. Hopefully I will get to sew a little today and maybe have some numbers in the used column next week! A girl can hope, right?
This week it is all big fat zeros!

Used this week:         0
Added this week:      0
Used to date:             0
added to date:           0
Net:                           0

There are a couple of want to do projects on the  horizon and I am pretty sure some shopping will be involved!

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