Monday, January 26, 2015


I did sew quite a bit this week, well some sewing a lot of pressing and trimming too! 
This is on the ironing board waiting to be pressed. Have a total of 4 completed and need to put together the other 3.  This quilt is a gift for someone, but think I need to make at least one more. I have a lot of 5" batik charm squares and this would be ideal for them.

I get emails from Etsy since I have shopped there a few times. never good to sign up for emails. Was looking at doggie things and found this site with really cute tote bags. Do I need another bag, no, but the poodle was perfect, as was the saying!  Most times anything I see with poodles are the show cuts and our girls -no way. 
She has a lot of cute things and not just pets.
Her service was great so am very happy. Our black poodle, Tilly is a Valentine baby. So this is my gift to me for her birthday!


  1. Great eye candy today. I really like that friendship star block. It looks great. Someone will really like that quilt. Oh, and the bag is wonderful. I'll have to go check out her stuff. I hear you about giving email addresses to businesses. I bought zippers from Etsy and every email I get from them starts with zipper sales. For pity sakes I bought 40 zippers. I'm not going to need more for the rest of my life! Well, at least not that size.

  2. Diana, thanks so much! I'm thrilled that you love your tote bag!

    I've been drooling over your quilting posts. I have a huge stash of fabric (an obsession), but not the patience to learn what to do with it yet. My grandmother and mom were both seamstresses, so it SHOULD come naturally to me! I've subscribed to your blog for inspiration!!! - Dez :D


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