Sunday, January 4, 2015

Fabric Stash Report-Week 1, 2015

A New Year and off to a good start-well at least I didn't buy anything yet! I did do some cutting for Denise's New Year mystery, but things don't always go as planned. Hopefully I will get to sew a little today and maybe have some numbers in the used column next week! A girl can hope, right?
This week it is all big fat zeros!

Used this week:         0
Added this week:      0
Used to date:             0
added to date:           0
Net:                           0

There are a couple of want to do projects on the  horizon and I am pretty sure some shopping will be involved!

Back to Patchworktimes!


  1. Looking forward to seeing the mystery you are working on.

  2. Hope you can fit in some stitching time next week.

  3. You are off to a good start this week. Hope you get some sewing time during the coming week.


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