Sunday, November 30, 2014

Stash Report-week 48, 2014

Was able to do a little more sewing this past week.  Found a small top that needed backing and then cut the rest into 12" squares and made a few more fabric boxes. All in all, used 3 yards. I know my net will probably go down this coming week unless I can find at least 3 yards in my stash for a project I hope to start on before the first of next year.  Hard to believe that 2014 is almost finished and 2015 is just around the corner. My high school class is planning their 50th class reunion for next October. The one heading it up has been posting our senior pictures on our face book page. Boy did we look young! Now we just look more mature, will not say old.
Here's my numbers for the year so far.

Used This week:                     3
Used to date   :                      101
Donated to date:                    50
Used and donated to date:  151
Added this week:                    .0
Added to date:                      46.75
Net:                                     104.25

Back to Judy for her "Yarn?Stash" Report!


  1. You had some great finishes this week. I especially like the cactus wreath quilt. Sometimes it is so hard to do the last bit to get a quilt finished.

  2. Mature works just fine. Hope you can work in a few more finishes this year. Even if you don't, you did pretty well with the stash busting.


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