Sunday, November 2, 2014

Stash Report-Week 44 2014

I did get a little sewing in this week. Put together a backing for a quilt I sent to my quilter.So that is 3.5 yds. out of my stash! Feels good to see the Net used go up a little, especially since nothing came in!

Used This week:                     3.5
Used to date   :                      91
Donated to date:                    50
Used and donated to date:  141
Added this week:                     0
Added to date:                       46
Net:                                        95.00

Worked on some other blocks too but can't count that fabric.

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes!


  1. Making backings really do help with the used numbers. Looking forward to seeing the quilt you made.

  2. Your numbers are good. Can't wait to get some backs put together too so my usage will grow.


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