Monday, November 24, 2014


Finally have finished all the bindings on the quilts that were ready for that stage!

Starry Starry Night was a kit from Sister's Scraps in Amarillo, TX. It did age for a while before getting put together this year! 
 Square Dance was the Top of the Month program at Cotton Cupboard in Lakeway, TX. August of this year. The pattern is from Villa Rosa
 Cactus Wreath was a strip club pattern from Honey Bee Quilt Store in Austin, TX I think 2008 so it has also be aging before getting made. Unfortunately there are many more aging and waiting for just the right time to be assembled!!!! But on the bright side I have finished more this year from collection of someday projects.
I just realized I put a 12 instead of 11 for the month on my pictures! I think I was contemplating everything that had to be done between now and the end of the year! If I ever can figure out how to change it i will but for now it's gonna stay that way. 

And for the October/November Top of the Month. I did get the top together in the allotted amount of time. Have not been there to get the one for Nov./ Dec. May or may not keep up with the program. It would be a shame as the cost goes down every month until the last one is free but there is a time problem and a lot of other things that need doing. We shall see when I go to pick up the next block the Trifecta BOM.
It was too windy today to get a good picture of it hanging. So here is the one I took the other day to send out to Cotton Cupboard!
I have also been working on a few Christmas presents but just in case the wrong person reads this I will show those later!

On a good note we had a little over 3 inches of much needed rain in two days. And now we are back to more normal November temperatures. 60's and 70's and sunny!
back to Judy at Patchworktimes!

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