Sunday, November 23, 2014


Ever since Dad moved down here we have been going to the Birthday Dinner the Georgetown Marine Corps League holds in November. It is always an enjoyable evening with good speakers, good food and the usual Marine Camaraderie.  Since Dad has joined and we've been going to these dinners he has been the oldest in attendance. There is a tradition, the oldest and youngest participate in the cake cutting ceremony. The picture below is from Kathy Dunklee who posted this on face book on the Corps 239th birthday.November 11, 2014. Her Dad is 3rd row #1; mine is 4th row #3. Dad was 23 at the time when he joined the Corps. I met several of these men at their group reunions. I think Dad is the only one still alive of those in this picture.
This next picture is when he finished Boot Camp
Now we will fast forward 74 years. Yes, Dad is now 97!
Color guard-Marine ROTC from Hendrickson HS in Pflugerville ,TX
Cake Cutting Ceremony 
Oldest and youngest Marine 

The guest speaker-R.V. Burgin.
He has written a book Islands of the Damned
He is just a few years younger than Dad 
Once again it was another wonderful evening.
I want to thank Ken Cinco for taking this picture of Dad.

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