Sunday, August 17, 2014

Stash Report-week 33, 2014

Remember me telling about the block lotto blocks I was going to make this past week? Made 100 of them and they are in the mail.  It's a simple block, no thinking required except to remember if making the A placement of the B placement. Figured out my yardage for those, that was 6.25 out of my stash. Then, as I was going through my bright containers I found quite a few pieces of at least one yard or more. 20 yards mailed to my friend who makes a lot of donation quilts for kids!   All in all a very productive week!
Too bad they all can't be like that!

This week:                           6.25
Used to date   :                  78.25
Donated to date:                 50
Used and donated to date: 128.25
Added this week:                  0
Added to date:                     36
Net:                                    92

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes!


  1. Great stash busting this year!

  2. Wow! Your numbers are great. It's nice when your unused fabric can go to a good cause, isn't it?

  3. Great numbers - so much in the donated column!


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