Monday, August 4, 2014

Design Wall Monday-August 4, 2014

Nothing new to show this week. I did finish the binding the last of my quilts.
 From a Top of the Month program at Cotton Cupboard. Love the Poppy fabric. Georgetown, TX has a Poppy Festival every Spring. This reminds me of that.

These two are from another Top of the Month. We could make one bigger quilt or 2 smaller ones.I opted for 2 smaller quilts for this pattern.
So until my next ones come back from the quilter I have no more quilts left to bind! Good feeling but no hand work for TV watching!

I didn't get much else accomplished this past week. A little cleaning up, tossing out, cutting scraps into usable sizes.

New flooring in the family room has been put on hold. The shipment of tile has been back ordered. While I am looking forward to getting the floor done, it means I don't have to deal with the mess for another few weeks. We have a busy week otherwise with appointments for everyone so I am not sure what be accomplished

1 comment:

  1. Very bright and fun quilts! Congrats on the two finishes.


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