Monday, August 11, 2014

Design Wall-Monday August 11, 2014

No completed blocks to show but I can show the parts! One of the online groups I participate in is Quilted with Love. It's a yahoo group where we make quilts for Quilts for Kids and other groups. Once in a while we do a block lotto where we send in blocks and one of our fearless leaders gets them put together into quilts. This lotto we are making cartwheel blocks following a Moda bakeshop post. This is a great way to use the left over pieces of bright prints. We are using brights and wow. Very scrappy.

                     I have enough cut for about 100 blocks.
                            Pairs waiting to be sewn together
                             Pairs waiting to be pressed open
Groups of 4 waiting to be sewn into blocks.

Hoping to have a sewing marathon and get these put together.
Since we are supposed to have triple digits most of the week it will be a good time to stay in side and sew!


  1. Looks like you have your work cut out for you ;-) Tee hee - Love your banner picture of your dogs!!

  2. Cartwheel blocks look quick to make. Nice of you to have a group to sew them up.

  3. Oh, thanks, I am always looking for quick/easy quilts for children's charity quilts.


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