Monday, August 25, 2014

Design Wall Monday-August 25,2014

I started the Top of the Month program again at Cotton Cupboard in Lakeway, TX. I have finished all the ones from the last go round. This is the pattern for August--Square Dance by Villa Rosa. A simple and fun pattern using 12 FQS.

      close up of some of the fabrics. Will be a cute quilt  for a child                                     when quilted and bound!

I also joined her Block of the Month Program.  The patterns will be available the first of each month and we pick our own fabrics. Since I got a late start-joined last week-I got them done right away. Here are my first 6 blocks!
Trifecta-block 1

And I started the kit I had cut the fabrics for last week. It's from Jim Shore's Noah
Ark fabric.  It's one I have had the fabrics for a long time. Pattern says 2008. Need I say more about my stash!
The center block is made.  

 My guys-Galen and my Dad have been away for the past week. They will be getting back tomorrow. They went to Dad's Marine Corps Reunion in Charleston, SC. This is the 4TH division who fought in the Pacific during WWII. I think Dad was the oldest one in attendance at 96. But then they called him an old man when he enlisted at the age of 23. I have enjoyed the week of sewing in between things I needed to do away from home! You know, eat when you want etc.  Did have to keep feeding the girls tho-they were not shy about reminding me it was meal time or let's go out and play a little! They are a lot of company. I  also able to finish Starry Starry Night early in the week.

I guess it is time to get back to reality-grocery shopping for both us and Dad. Get his salads made once again. Thank heavens for Judy and her salad in a jar post a while back. Dad enjoys salads but doesn't make them often enough on his own. Ingredients go to waste. So I make several for him with the basics and then he sometimes adds other goodies. His laundry is done, his house cleaners will be there just before he gets back. Now if the cleaning fairies would stop by here!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful that your dad got to go to his division reunion!
    Lots of nice stuff going on in your sewing room this week.


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