Monday, June 30, 2014

Design Wall Monday-June 30, 2014

It's hard to believe that 2014 is half over! But then it has been a busy first 6 months. With the remodel done for now, I have been able to get a little more time in sewing. I have been working on the Cosmic Stars from Cozy Quilts this past week. The rows are done and partially sewn. Now here is my dilemma- should I finish it as a throw or make 3 table runners for gifts? One for me of course!
                                           One row

                              All three
                            If I follow the pattern it will have the narrow red border, then the blue with gold border(a little wider) and then a wide border of the light tan with gold. I will probably go with the original plan, but will think on it. Thought about it and it is a top!

With the frequent rain showers we have had the wildflowers have a second bloom. We took off last Thursday again and could not believe how green things were for Texas this time of the year. 

Not sure what kind of lizard this little fellow is, but he certainly had a long tail. They can scamper pretty fast, this one was waiting for his picture to be taken before he took off!

Now back to Patchworktimes

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Stash Report-week 26, 2014

Managed a little sewing this week on Cosmic Stars but nothing completed. Was looking at my next project that I want to get made next and ended up getting 4 yards of fabric for it. Couldn't find the blues or browns in my stash that I wanted to use on my Texas quilt. This is made using the panel from the Texas Hop several years ago. And yes, I plan on using Judy's pattern on her blog. It's in the free patterns.

Used this week:                  0
Used to date   :                   56.75
Donated to date:                 30
Used and donated to date: 86.75
Added this week:                  4
Added to date:                     32
Net:                                     54.75

My numbers are going in the wrong direction!!!!!

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

Monday, June 23, 2014

Design Wall-June 23, 2014

After moving my machine downstairs last week I did get a little sewing in on the Cosmic Stars. The background blocks are put together but not all cut apart yet.
Hoping to get back to it later today, finish cutting apart and trimming to size these blocks then start adding the accent fabrics. Maybe more pictures of this next week.
I decided to not put add borders to my Cactus Wreath quilt I showed last week. It is about 60 x 60 and will be perfect to put on the wall for the Christmas holidays if I keep it. So it along with the other quilt from last week are ready for my quilter.

Had a busy week last week with DH's birthday on Wednesday. He and I went out for dinner on Tuesday, Dad took us out to dinner on Thursday for the birthday. Thursday was a day trip to Marble Falls via Buchanan Dam and then Inks Lake and the federal fish hatchery there. We discovered they have a blind for bird watching that we could drive too with Dad's handicap placard. So we drove back there and Dad could go sit on one of the benches at the blind. They have lots of feeders up and the birds were active while we were there. 
                             Black chin Hummingbird
          a family of Armadillos came out of their burrow
                   DH is getting quite good with the camera.
It was nice enough that we got to eat out on the porch at River City Grill overlooking river at Marble Falls. All in all it was a good day.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Stash Report-week 25, 2014

I have 2 tops finished and ready for the quilter on my next trip to see her! Feels good to be sewing again! Had to move my machine to the dining room table this past week. The AC went out on the unit for the upstairs. Actually it was a relay switch on the furnace.
Given that the unit was 20 years old we had a new one put in yesterday. So I will move back upstairs sometime this coming week!
Anyway, I get to add the figures for my 2 tops plus backings and bindings. I did buy 4.25 yds. of sale fabric for the back of the one.

Used this week:                 14
Used to date   :                   56.75
Donated this week:             30
Used and donated to date: 86.75
Added this week:                  4.25
Added to date:                     28
Net:                                     58.75


Monday, June 16, 2014

Design Wall-June 16, 2014

It has been a while since I have posted anything but I have started sewing again! Decided it was time to dig out some strip club projects that have been aging-about 6 years. I know the one is dated 2008! Am thinking the other one is from the same time frame. So in between slowly working on Texas Tumbleweed I have one top finished 
Not a great picture-a little washed out and of course the wind picked up!
This one-Cactus Wreath I am debating if I want to add a border. This is a pattern from Cozy Quilt and was another strip club my LQS did.

Back to Patchworktimes!

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