Sunday, June 29, 2014

Stash Report-week 26, 2014

Managed a little sewing this week on Cosmic Stars but nothing completed. Was looking at my next project that I want to get made next and ended up getting 4 yards of fabric for it. Couldn't find the blues or browns in my stash that I wanted to use on my Texas quilt. This is made using the panel from the Texas Hop several years ago. And yes, I plan on using Judy's pattern on her blog. It's in the free patterns.

Used this week:                  0
Used to date   :                   56.75
Donated to date:                 30
Used and donated to date: 86.75
Added this week:                  4
Added to date:                     32
Net:                                     54.75

My numbers are going in the wrong direction!!!!!

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes


  1. Sometimes we have to take a step backwards to sprint forward. Freshening the stash with a purpose is never a wrong thing.

  2. Your numbers look great! I agree with Charlene. Buying a little helps you use the rest. Have a great week.


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