Monday, June 16, 2014

Design Wall-June 16, 2014

It has been a while since I have posted anything but I have started sewing again! Decided it was time to dig out some strip club projects that have been aging-about 6 years. I know the one is dated 2008! Am thinking the other one is from the same time frame. So in between slowly working on Texas Tumbleweed I have one top finished 
Not a great picture-a little washed out and of course the wind picked up!
This one-Cactus Wreath I am debating if I want to add a border. This is a pattern from Cozy Quilt and was another strip club my LQS did.

Back to Patchworktimes!


  1. So beautiful, love them both. I think the Catus Wreath is pretty amazing. I am getting away from borders myself. I think it will look fab either way

  2. I love both of your projects. On the second one, I'm thinking it looks great without a border but then a great floral border would look great!!

  3. Both quilts are gorgeous, but I especially like the Cactus Wreath quilt. Love the design!

  4. I love your Cactus Wreath! I agree with mycreativecorner3, sort of. I am loving the typical "frame-the-quilt" type borders less and less these days; they feel stale and flat. I feel like a quilt design that spans the entire surface of a quilt without borders looks fresh and contemporary. The borders that I do still love are medallion quilts with lots and LOTS of pieced borders that are like variations of the main theme, if that makes sense. I don't think your cactus quilt needs borders for aesthetic reasons, unless you really want it to be larger. It's really very striking just the way that it is.


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