Monday, June 23, 2014

Design Wall-June 23, 2014

After moving my machine downstairs last week I did get a little sewing in on the Cosmic Stars. The background blocks are put together but not all cut apart yet.
Hoping to get back to it later today, finish cutting apart and trimming to size these blocks then start adding the accent fabrics. Maybe more pictures of this next week.
I decided to not put add borders to my Cactus Wreath quilt I showed last week. It is about 60 x 60 and will be perfect to put on the wall for the Christmas holidays if I keep it. So it along with the other quilt from last week are ready for my quilter.

Had a busy week last week with DH's birthday on Wednesday. He and I went out for dinner on Tuesday, Dad took us out to dinner on Thursday for the birthday. Thursday was a day trip to Marble Falls via Buchanan Dam and then Inks Lake and the federal fish hatchery there. We discovered they have a blind for bird watching that we could drive too with Dad's handicap placard. So we drove back there and Dad could go sit on one of the benches at the blind. They have lots of feeders up and the birds were active while we were there. 
                             Black chin Hummingbird
          a family of Armadillos came out of their burrow
                   DH is getting quite good with the camera.
It was nice enough that we got to eat out on the porch at River City Grill overlooking river at Marble Falls. All in all it was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Love the wildlife pictures. Hummers are very hard to photograph.


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