Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Kitchen and Family Room are finished!

Today was the install day for our window treatments-shutters! And yes, the family room windows are really unique for us. Both having grown up in either a farm house like Galen or homes built in the traditional suburbia manner of the 50's in PA. Guess I am saying no fancy arched windows! And nothing like this either in our other homes are we moved around with Galen's job. Before we did this there were vertical blinds on the windows when we bought the house in Jan. of '99. This is the first really extensive remodel we have done-never lived in one place this long! So today was the final leg in this remodel. Shutters on these very interesting windows!
                                                     They arrived in pieces.
The fun began of putting the pieces of the puzzle together. This is the frame for the window in our eating area
                                             The frames laid out at their respective windows
                                        Micheal then tacked the frames in place

                                         Bobby made sure the shutters would fit properly.

Definitely a two person job getting the big ones lined up so they would drop into place
                     Then Micheal went through and secured all the frames and shutters
              This is the one at our front entry


                             Family Room put back together again!
                                    Outside looking in!

Sometime when I get more house pictures off the other computer I will do a before and after!
           And yes, there will be more shutters on our future, but not a for a little while.


  1. Those shutters are so nice!! The room looks gorgeous. I know you're happy to be done.

    1. Yes, we are happy with them. So eventually more windows will get shutters.


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