Monday, May 12, 2014

Design Wall Monday-May 12, 2014

This is Wistful that I wrote about in March!  Got the fabric cut but that was about it for close to a month. Good thing this was my free Top of the Month from Cotton Cupboard!  Or maybe it would have been finished if I had the deadline!!!! Who knows? But now almost 2 months later the top is complete.
Wistful - pattern by Villa Rosa
 Haven't decided if I will start back up on their top of the month program or take a little more time off from it. It is fun and a great way to get tops made for various groups. 

As you see we still don't have the shutters for the windows. Should though by the end of the month. It has been great having nothing on them since our trees have grown quite a bit, but we still do get the hot Texas sun and that will only get worse as we head into summer. So they are needed!

It's back to reality now. DH and my Dad fly back from PA today. Although Galen may wish he had stayed in PA longer-the honey do list is growing! I did warn him tho! We have spent so much time on getting things accomplished inside that the outside needs attention now. And the girls, Tilly and Tiki miss their playmate. They will play for me, but play harder for him.We will all be happy when he is home again.

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes!


  1. Nifty top. And free? Or just a free pattern? Motivation comes and goes. No need to work on something if the mood doesn't strike you. And, conversely, when you want to sew like mad why not?!

    1. Bonnie, the one LQS has a program going on-pay 50.00 for the first quilt pattern and fabric. Have it finished (top only) by the 3rd Thursday of the month. Get the next one for $5.00 less each time. The 11th one is then free. the patterns are from the Villa Rosa cards and fun to do. You pick any fabric combination from her shop so you are not limited on choices. It'd been fun.


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