Sunday, May 11, 2014

Stash Report-Week 19, 2014

I have been quiet since week 12; no sewing until recently. I have been slowly putting things where I think they should go in the new kitchen and then rearranging when I decide otherwise. Trial and error process going on here. But have made lots of progress. And we've been having friends over to check it out-thumbs up from everyone so far. We should be getting the shutters later this month. Then we will really feel like it's finished.

Have managed to get a little sewing in lately and a few tops off to the quilters and several tops with backing and binding fabrics  to Linus for them to quilt.Now I want to get back to getting some more UFO's finished. Too many new projects I want to work on.

Used this week:   10.25 
Used to date   :    42.75 
Added this week:   3
Added to date:     23.75
Net:                     19.00

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

1 comment:

  1. It does take some trial and get things right. Glad you found a little time to move fabric around. Happy Mom's Day. Sandi


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