Monday, September 2, 2024


Labor Day

Another busy week of sorting more items that had not seen the light of day for a few years! Keeping some and redistributing some items elsewhere.  I’m trying.

I found the perfect wide backing for my Carnival quilt top.  Quite colorful just like the front.

Our friend Lisa has opened up La Mia Bella West since she is spending most of her time in CA.  Her son Garrett has taken over the original dog grooming shop.  Over the years I have made scarves/ bandanas for the one here.  I was able to get a few made for Lisa to take back with her this week.  Generic ones.  Will get started on holiday ones now. Here’s what I gave her to take back.  15 but it’s a start!

Great way to use up fabric.

Galen was able to get away for a day and a half.  I gather I didn’t give Lady enough attention.  She was happy Daddy got home Thursday afternoon.

She’s telling on me!  Daddy, Mommy was too busy at her sewing machine!

I think Osie and I will meet up this week.  Will get  2 quilts from her that I will get bound and then give back to her for Linus.   Have 2 more to give her to quilt.  One is a donation and we will keep the Carnival one.  I also have quite a few boxes of fabric donation for the group.  I had hoped to have a least one more quilt ready for her.  Next time!

The weather has been nicer, not as hot.  A brief shower or two.  Not quite an inch for the month!  That’s not good.  We are supposed to have a rainy  few days this week.  Here’s hoping!

Thursday the 5th is our 54th wedding anniversary.  We normally go to Salt Grass for dinner if in town.   Will do that again on Thursday.

We sure looked young! Friends love the picture of us kneeling at the Altar. If you enlarge that picture you will see the word HELP on Galen’s shoes! This was done by his brother Fred and his cousin Jake. For several years after that when ever Rev Hunter saw an article where that happened at a wedding he sent it to us!

to see what others are doing—

All for now. 

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