Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday night in Rockport, TX 3/6/2017

We spent a busy day here. Made a quick trip to the Visitor Center, picked up maps then we headed across the causeway to Goose Island State Park. Toured the park, stopped at the butterfly garden.

                                                         Single Bluebonnet
                                                                    Indian Blanket
                                               Got the Brown Pelicans as they were flying away

                              And now some really good pictures that Galen took today

Great Southern White

Laughing Gull

Tricolored Heron

Pipevine Sallowtail

Pearl Crescent

Common Loon

Brown Pelican

Ruddy Turnstone

 Then we drove to the Big Tree. This is the story BIG TREE.


By this time it was about 2 PM and I was ready for some lunch. We drove back across the causeway to Fulton and found the restaurant where we had eaten about 12 years ago! Their special today was lump crab burger. Basically a good size crab cake with all the fixins for a hamburger. The restaurant name is Charlotte Plummers on the water.

                                          The crab cake passed the test-it was all lump crab
Our view while we had lunch. The shrimp boats. The oyster boats come back later in the day so we missed them. 

After a late and very filling lunch it was back to the room to collapse for a while.

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  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...