Monday, March 6, 2017

Design Wall Monday-March 6, 2017

My design wall still looks the same from my last posting, Feb. 20th. Still the kitchen woodblocks.

Decided I needed to start  putting things away again, enough playing! Did drop off a box of fabric for Linus-all Moda marbles which I know they will be able to use.

But it hasn't been all work  since I posted last.

 On March 1st I got to have lunch with friends from our days in Taiwan. At one point we were all there at the same time. And of course we went to Ho Ho's BBQ for Chinese food and ate some of our favorites. 3 of us live in the Austin area but it took  the one from Chicago to come for the week and get us all together.

The next day, my birthday Galen and I went to Salt Traders in Round Rock-seafood. Had a delicious meal and then a complimentary dessert for my birthday. 


Mini cheesecake with grapefruit sorbet. It was delicious.

We were supposed to leave for Rockport, TX on the 2nd but had a few things we needed to get done. Galen's cell was starting to give him more problems. They don't last forever. We did finally get to Rockport over the weekend. The La Quinta upgraded our room to one with a little kitchen since we are here for the week. Don't plan on cooking much but it is nice having a full size refrigerator for snacks.

The bluebonnets were starting to bloom at home when we left and the further south we saw more   in bloom along with Indian paintbrushes, wine cups and primrose. Hard though to get pictures when driving 80 mph. But here is one Galen took before we left of a bluebonnet.

Galen has been getting some great pictures of the Burrowing Owls out by Lake Granger. They are pretty much migratory and normally leave our area late March. I love these little guys. If you are not familiar with them google them. 

I will be the chauffeur most of the week so Galen can easily hop out to take pictures. After we get back to our room however and settle in for the evening I do have 3 quilts along that need the last step of the binding done-hand sewing the back! One is about half done. then there is a smaller one and the final one is a bigger one. All 3 should be done by next Monday. 

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