Monday, March 13, 2017

Design Wall Monday-March 13, 2017

Back home in Round Rock. Had a great week in Rockport, TX last week but now it is back home and to reality! Left there in the rain Friday morning and brought it back with us. Rained almost all of Saturday. We stayed put yesterday but feeling somewhat better today.

I have 3 finishes to report. Hooray for me! Finished binding 2 quilts while away and the 3rd one yesterday.
Pineapple Blossom a Bonnie Hunter free pattern on her blog.

This one is from the NY eve mystery group on Yahoo. Waiting for my larger one  from my quilter friend

This one is Chevron Pattern using Kaffe fabrics

If you look at my blog you know Galen (DH) takes pictures of birds, butterflies and dragonflies.
Why we spent last week on the coast. And he goes out here a lot too. The camera is always in the car. We have Burrowing Owls that winter here near Lake Granger. They will be gone by the end of this month.  While some do stay, these guys seem to take off. Love these little guys. He took this picture on Saturday.

Hoping to get back to purging fabric and patterns etc this week. Have accumulated way to much over the years.


  1. Replies
    1. We have them here year round. I need to go on a search. They're pictures make me smile.


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