Sunday, January 1, 2017


Surprise, surprise I got a little bit of sewing in on New Year's Day. First since my last post. Think that was before Christmas! While putting fabrics away after the remodel I found a fat quarter pack a friend had given me. Riley Blake fabrics. Was reading Pat Sloan's website and decided it would be perfect for her Summer Solstice Challenge. She will post the blocks on Wednesdays until the first day of summer. Happy to say Blocks 1 and 2 are done!
Am hoping to be able to keep up with this challenge. And as always there are several other irons in the fire!

We went out for a short drive today. As some of you know my husband is into photography so our drives are to see what birds want to be photographed.
 He has a long lens, I use a point and shoot. But I did manage to get a female Eastern bluebird and a burrowing owl.
We did take off for a few days last week and drove to Port LaVaca along the Texas coast. the weather was uncooperative but Galen did manage to get some great pictures. Will write more about that later.

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