Tuesday, January 31, 2017

South Padre Quilt Show-January 28, 2017

We were at South Padre Island for a few days. While out driving around on
Saturday we discovered there was a quilt show at the Convention Center. Of course we went in. It was a very nice show with a lot of lovely quilts displayed. Yes, I took lots of pictures. It was fun to see the quilts using Judy Niemeyer patterns, quilts from Missouri Star Quilt Company patterns; also a few quilts made using Bonnie Hunter patterns. And of course a lot of others as well. I took a ton of pictures.      

                                                     The black is really cute cat fabric

I loved the use of the Noah's Ark Panel


                                                   Cute use of frog fabric

                                            One of our favorites

                                            Notice the peacock feathers

I did not get a picture of the label but liked the use of Angelina for the snowy trees

                                                    Of course batiks.

Cengters of the stars arfe musical instruments


                                                        Always need a twister dog!

                                                                         More batiks.

                                                               Another cute use of a panel


                                    This is part one. Will do part 2 later on today

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