Saturday, November 12, 2016

November 12, 2016

I have not done a blog post since the end of  August but thought this was an easier way of posting pictures I took at the Quilt Fest in Smithville, TX yesterday. It was held in the Smithville First United Methodist Church. It is a 2 day event over the second weekend in November. Saturday is the hanging of the quilts in the town as well as the display at the church. Several quilts there from 1800's and early 1900's. Met a lot of nice people and it was a nice little trip.

                                                           Grandmother's Bow Ties!

Made for her daughter's wedding. She didn't think using the pattern name would be good. So instead of Storm at Sea she titled it Smooth Sailing! Good choice! Gotta love those batiks!

                        Story of the quilt below. Beautifully hand quilted as well as pieced!

                                                        Write up on the quilt below

                       This is the story of the quilt shown below. We talked to Joyce and Glenn.

It was funny, retired from the Lancaster area of PA and now living in Smithville. We, of course, enjoyed talking to fellow Pennsylvanians!

                                                       This is the write up for the quilt below

Will mark this on the calendar for next year!


  1. I've missed your blog, was even going to check on you. Beautiful quilts; thanks for sharing. That brown applique is a stunner!

  2. Thanks Diana
    Great pics and info


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