Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Design Wall Monday November 21, 2016

A little more sewing was accomplished this past week.  I was able to get the Chevron Quilt using the Kaffe fabrics put together.

It is nice and colorful!

I also had to get a mug rug made for a swap.
This is the back. Another thing I could cross off my list. It has been mailed!

We have a center flower bed in the back and it is full of Butterfly Weed. This past week there has been a lot of activity.  It has been fun to sit on the porch and watch. If I can ever figure out how to post the video......

The Queens have been the most prolific

Still have some Monarchs

                                                               Common Mestra

One morning I went out with the girls and saw this big moth on our bedroom door. At first I thought it was a bat! But closer inspection it turned out to be a Black Witch Moth. This one had a 5 inch wing spread, they can get up to 7 inches. They are from Mexico and evidently not seen here very often. Or not documented any way. He spent the day there and then took off at sunset.

                                   And 2 of my favorite pictures Galen took early last week are of the Burrowing                                                          Owls near Lake Granger, TX

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