Monday, January 25, 2016

Design Wall Monday-January 25, 2016

Not much sewing this week. Working on getting Dad's estate settled, a little yard work and just the general every day nonsense!  Spent some time yesterday sorting through and getting the batik left over pieces cut into good sizes for the next scrap quilt I want to make. I have the pattern, but need to find it! If I remember correctly it will be  good leader and ender project to have by the machine.

I did get one block made for another BOM being done by one of the yahoo groups I am in-Quilters Who Care. I am making mine in R/W/B as it will eventually end up going to our Thank you Quilters group. Their quilts go to Ft. Hood which is right up the road from us. Here is the block for January.

I plan on working on the lay out for my Trifecta blocks this week. Maybe there will be more to show next week! Now back to 
Judy at Patchworktimes!

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